Dear precious gift of God,
this is a note to tell you that you have a Savior who loves you so much that He died one of the most painful deaths you can imagine. and then rose from the dead three days later. (which is why we celebrate Easter) His name is Jesus. if you believe that died to save you from going to hell, and confess all your sins to Him, then you are a christian, all you half to do is pray this prayer:
Dear God
I am a terrible sinner. I pray that
You would come into my heart
and live there forever, i pray that
you would forgive me of all my
sins. and i thank you for sending
your son Jesus to die on the cross
for my sins.
There! now if you prayed that prayer and really meant it than you are a christian and a changed person and i can't wait to see you in heavan!
your loving sister in Christ,

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